Geoff Hamilton Cottage Garden
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Aug 17, 2013. The Artisan's Cottage Garden. The Gentleman's Cottage Garden. I found my way into the Gentleman's Cottage Garden, which was built for the TV series Geoff Hamilton's Cottage Gardens. The garden was built to show the luxuries available befitting a Gentleman, and to show how to deal with a garden.
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Looks to the old cottage gardens of the past and adapts the more popular features to modern gardens. In building three cottage gardens from scratch at his home in Barnsdale, Geoff Hamilton set out to simplify the practical problems of creating a natural rustic look.
Published January 9th 1997 by BBC Books (first published January 5th 1995)

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Cottage Garden 20 books — 3 voters
Books Featuring Gardening 200 books — 43 voters
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The first gardening book I have read cover to cover, and it was worth it. You pick up so much. I'm inspired and will start taking cuttings tomorrow.
Oct 24, 2011Ruric Amhari rated it really liked it · review of another edition Shelves: gardening-cottage, gardening, non-fiction
Hands on how to cottage garden book split into three sections.
First is a history of cottage gardening illustrated with pictures, reconstructions and photos.
Section two is creating a cottage garden with a couple of plans for an Artisan's Garden and a Gentleman's Garden - complete with how to instructions abot building pergola,s cold frames, versaille planters and layng paving etc. The final part of section two is all about plants for the garden.
The third and final section of the book is about the...more
First is a history of cottage gardening illustrated with pictures, reconstructions and photos.
Section two is creating a cottage garden with a couple of plans for an Artisan's Garden and a Gentleman's Garden - complete with how to instructions abot building pergola,s cold frames, versaille planters and layng paving etc. The final part of section two is all about plants for the garden.
The third and final section of the book is about the...more
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