How To Load Program For At89c51
- The simplicity of the FTP reduces the amount of AT89C51 program memory used in the. The load address field contains the address at which the data is to be. Programming and Interfacing the 8051 Microcontroller in C and Assembly Sencer Yeralan, P.E., Ph.D. Processing Unit (CPU), program and data memory.
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#define dummyData 0xAA
Water level controller using 8051-An Automatic Water Level Controller and Indicator Project and Circuit with Motor ON and OFF for Engineering Students.
#define RDY 75 #define NRDY 76
const int _MISO = 4; const int _MOSI = 5; const int _CLK = 3; const int RST = 2;
/* Variable definition block */
byte data; byte AL,AH; // 16-bit address byte lockByte; // embed lock bits here byte SigH,SigL; // Signature Bytes
void setup() { pinMode(_MISO, INPUT); pinMode(_MOSI, OUTPUT); pinMode(_CLK, OUTPUT); pinMode(RST, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); // depends on the setting of the host PC
How To Load Program In At89c51
void loop() { while (!Serial.available()); // wait for character if (Serial.available() > 0) switch ( { case 'p': Serial.write(progEnable()); break; case 'r': readProgmem(); Serial.write(data); break; case 'a': while(!Serial.available()); AL =; break; case 'A': while(!Serial.available()); AH =; break; case 'd': while(!Serial.available()); data =; break; case 'S': AH = 0; AL = 0; SigH = readSign(); Serial.write(SigH); break; case 's': AH = 2; AL = 0; SigL = readSign(); Serial.write(SigL); AH = 1; AL = 0; SigL = readSign(); Serial.write(SigL); break; // read SigL case 'o': digitalWrite(RST,1);break; case 'c': digitalWrite(RST,0);break; case 'e': eraseChip(); Serial.write(RDY); break; case 'j': break; case 'w': writeProgmem(); break; }

unsigned char SendSPI(unsigned char data) { uint8_t retval = 0; uint8_t intData = data; int t; for (int ctr = 0; ctr < 7; ctr++) { if (intData & 0x80) digitalWrite(_MOSI,1); else digitalWrite(_MOSI,0);
digitalWrite(_CLK,1); delayMicroseconds(1);
t = digitalRead(_MISO); digitalWrite(_CLK,0);
Kamli dhoom 3 mp4 download free. if (t) retval = 1; else retval &= 0xFE; retval<<=1; intData<<= 1; delayMicroseconds(1); }
if (intData & 0x80) digitalWrite(_MOSI,1); else digitalWrite(_MOSI,0); digitalWrite(_CLK,1); delayMicroseconds(1);
t = digitalRead(_MISO); digitalWrite(_CLK,0); if (t) retval = 1; else retval &= 0xFE;
return retval; }
byte progEnable() { SendSPI(0xAC); SendSPI(0x53); SendSPI(dummyData); return SendSPI(dummyData); }
void eraseChip() { SendSPI(0xAC); SendSPI(0x9F); SendSPI(dummyData); SendSPI(dummyData); delay(520); }
void readProgmem() {
SendSPI(0x20); SendSPI(AH); SendSPI(AL); data = SendSPI(dummyData); }
void writeProgmem() { SendSPI(0x40); SendSPI(AH); SendSPI(AL); SendSPI(data); }
void writeLockBits() { SendSPI(0xAC); SendSPI(lockByte); SendSPI(dummyData); SendSPI(dummyData); }
void readLockBits() { SendSPI(0x24); SendSPI(dummyData); SendSPI(dummyData); lockByte = SendSPI(dummyData); }
byte readSign() { SendSPI(0x28); SendSPI(AH); SendSPI(AL); return SendSPI(dummyData); }